A downloadable game

The Moon and Sea are in love.  They have been since their creation.  Constantly they pull closer to each other, but never able to touch.  This game is the cycle of their desire.  You will be the guide for these long lost lovers along with the help of the stars.  But be warned, for the Moon has another suitor, the Sun.

The Moon and Sun existed together before the Sea.  Light and dark, day and night.  Even in the day the Sun and Moon share the sky; a reminder of the Sun's affection for the Moon.  But as soon as the Sea materialized the Moon fell totally and absolutely in love with her.  The Moon no longer desires the Sun.  Keep that in mind while you play cosmic matchmaker.

This version of Cosmic Pull takes into account the destruction done by the people of Earth on the cosmos.  Sea pollution, space trash, and global warming are all factors here.  Every cosmic body is threatened by the waste left by the human population of Earth.  It even interferes with the meeting of the Moon and Sea.


Have the Moon and Sea meet on the same space so they can reunite.

Set Up

  • Dice
  • Tarot deck
  • Game board (print out)
  • Moon, Sea, and Sun Pieces (print out)
  • Trash Pieces (print out)

How to Play

  1. The Moon starts on the 4 of Cups as it represents the moon in Cancer, and the Moon is home in Cancer.
  2. The Sea begins on the axis of the 10 of Cups and the 10 of Pentacles; a loving union and prosperity.
  3. Each turn you draw a card from the tarot deck, and then move the Moon with the corresponding action.
  4. After moving the Moon move the Sea one spot to the left (counter-clockwise).
  5. Place a piece of pollution onto the space the Sea moved from.  Pollution spots become other spaces for losing, so hopefully you can have the Sea and Moon meet before the cosmos are full of pollution.
  6. Repeat these actions until either the Moon and Sea meet or the Sun and Moon meet.

Tarot Cards

Major Arcana:

  • The Fool -  Move to a space across from the zodiac sign you're currently in.
  • The Magician - Roll dice to determine what zodiac sign you can move to.
  • The High Priestess - Roll dice to determine what zodiac sign you can move to.
  • The Empress - Roll dice to determine what zodiac sign you can move to.
  • The Emperor - Move to any space in Aries.
  • The Hierophant - Move to any space in Taurus.
  • The Lovers - Move to any space in Gemini.
  • The Chariot - Move to any space in Cancer.
  • Strength - Move to any space in Leo.
  • The Hermit - Move to any space in Virgo.
  • 10 The Wheel of Fortune - Roll dice to determine what zodiac sign you can move to.
  • 11 Justice - Move to any space in Libra.
  • 12 The Hanged Man - Move to a space across from the zodiac sign you're currently in (ex. Aries to Libra).
  • 13 Death - Move to any space in Scorpio.
  • 14 Temperance - Move to any space in Sagittarius.
  • 15 The Devil - Move to any space in Capricorn.
  • 16 The Tower -  Move to a space across from the zodiac sign you're currently in.
  • 17 The Star - Move to any space in Aquarius.
  • 18 The Moon - Move to any space in Pisces.
  • 19 The Sun - The Sun and Moon reunite instead.  You lose the game.
  • 20 Judgement - Roll dice to determine what zodiac sign you can move to.
  • 21 The World - The Moon and Sea unite.  You win the game.

Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles:

  • Aces - Can move to anywhere in the designated quadrant.
  • 2-10 - Move to the designated space.
  • Pages - Can move to anywhere in the designated quadrant.
  • Knight, Queen, and King - Can move to anywhere in the designated sector.

How the Game Ends

Win - When the Moon and Sea are on the same spot in the sign Taurus, on the full moon space, or you pull The World card.

Lose - When the Moon and Sea are on the same spot in the sign Leo, on the new moon space, a pollution spot, or you pull The Sun card.


All In One.JPG 1.2 MB
Game Board.JPG 944 kB
The Moon.JPG 318 kB
The Sea.JPG 476 kB
The Sun.JPG 336 kB
Trash.JPG 689 kB

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